Painful Confrontation

John 5:6 – When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”

Jesus’s statement is what we commonly refer to as “a wake up call”
A wake up call is a call to action. A call to reality, A call to make a decision that will have significant impact. A call for remedy.

If we were truthful, many of us, like this lame man (who had been by the pool for 38 years), have become pretty comfortable with our limitations. Yes, we have dulled out our hopes and dreams and taken on chores like complaining and murmuring, playing the blame game and fault-finding; and we are in an avid albeit unfruitful romance with stagnancy and eventual depreciation with no solution in sight!

Is there anything you know you should be doing today to get you closer to your purpose but you constantly neglect?
Have you talked yourself out of a flourishing future?
Jesus spoke to the lame man, challenging him to see a way forward to becoming who God has called him to be.

What’s your ‘condition’ and how long have you been in it?
If you dare to confront yourself…what will you find? Are you still hoping to get well or has hopelessness set in?

Jesus said in John 10:10(b) – “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full”

One thing you can be certain of is that God’s word is true. However, for His word to transform our lives, it requires our partnership.
That partnership may mean physical action, focus, or application of immense effort.

So, what are your limitations?

Procrastination?, Slothfulness?, Laziness?, Discouragement?, Tiredness?, Condemnation? Lack?…Or is it anger due to dashed expectations?

Whatever it may be…Face it!
Going forward will require you to bear the pain of confronting yourself and admitting your circumstance. Help awaits you on the other side of this short exercise but you will never access that help until you take the first step.

Therefore, as a friend, I challenge you today with the same words of Jesus…”Do you want to get well?”

If your answer is Yes! Then, you have work to do. Arise, take the first step…and Jesus will meet you more than half of the way.

You will make it!

I am happy to journey with you.