Going forward is a decision.
The best place to go from where you are is forward.
The confusion and fear you feel about your life or future is only going to give way when you make the decision to go forward.
I have heard someone say that the number one enemy of progress is Complacency.
I agree!
Merriam Webster defines complacency as:
‘Marked by self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies’
Second definition: ‘Unconcerned’
For many of us, we worry quite a bit and feel helpless about our present situation, especially when it is far from where we believe we ought to be yet we don’t do much about it.
Complacency is like a bed where we lull our dreams to sleep. It’s where we sing the lullaby – Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be…if we are true to ourselves, in the distance we can still hear the voice of destiny, with feverish urgency, compelling us to wake up!
Wake up and Take action!Taking action means different things to different people. For some, it is getting that resume in shape for the career of their dreams and for others it is making up their mind to visit the doctor’s office for their annual physical.
Whichever is yours or mine, the important thing is to take action.
In going forward, I believe the important question to ask is: How do I get out of here? Here are some simple tips to answer that question How do I get out of here?:
1. You may not have the answer but ask anyway. It puts your mind in the “ready mode” and takes you from denial to acceptance that you are not where you would like to be.
2. Wake up every morning with a determination to own your day.
We often say “life happens”. Where that is true to a large extent, I also believe that we can happen to life…in which case, we own the part of our day that we can control. How?
- Have a daily plan (When last did you make a to-do list?
- Commit to putting in your best effort daily
- Devote some time to think – Thinking goes before doing. Meditate on how you will accomplish your daily goal
- Answer the question: What is the big picture for my life (Do you see a vision for your life?)
- Empower yourself – Learning is key!
Learn, Learn and learn some more. Learn from reading, learn from yours and others’ experiences. When we stop learning we wither. Learning opens up your mind to a new horizon of information that will change your paradigm
– Cut the caterpillars – Whose voice are you listening to? Some voices are the voice of reason and others voices of demolition. Listen only to builders and cut the caterpillars out of your life. They always leave the residue of fear and trepidation about your future.
3. Focus – Distraction impedes progress.
As much as you can, train yourself to focus only on activities that are in line with your vision (your big picture).
4. Maximize your strengths and minimize your weakness.
You have natural God-given abilities and talents that position you favorably to achieve your purpose. King David, in the bible maximized his strength as a shepherd and even as a musician. This leveraged him for the palace. Bill Gates maximized his technical acumen and Oprah Winfrey, her speaking ability and people skills and it brought them success. You too can maximize your God-given strengths and achieve success.
Trying so hard to maximize our weakness leads to frustration and failure.
5. Confront fear and do it! – Fear has torment and paralyzes you from taking action to fulfill whatever you purpose to do.
Fear is a thief and you must confront him. Believe. Believe in the power of God and believe in His investment in you. Ps 118:6 – The Lord is on my side…I will not fear. Now it’s time for you to take that step to go forward…Yes, you can go forward!